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What to Expect:

You will see the best, state of the art chiropractic equipment designed by the engineers at Sigma-Instruments to examine your spine and adjust the necessary segments. This will restore the neurological connections between the brain and body. 


We use “M.M.T.”, Mechanical Motion Therapy, to compliment the chiropractic adjustment.  This exciting combination of chiropractic adjustments and M.M.T. soft tissue/ muscle work produces amazing results.


After your first adjustment, you will have an idea of what a normal range of motion feels like and will never look back!

In the last 15 years, studies have found that chiropractic adjustments can trigger changes in the body that are as varied as:

  • Improved visual activity

  • Improved spinal function

  • Improved balance & coordination

  • Improved range of motion

  • Improved mood & memory

  • Improved sexual performance


“The scope of chiropractic is as broad as the scope of influence of the nerve system" ~Christopher Kent, D.C.



each other SAFE

We are taking all necessary precautions to keep our office “virus-free”.


  • We have a “no wait policy”

  • Wear a mask properly when you enter the office

  • Hand sanitizer is available

  • Maintain social distancing


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